What kinds of ecological imaginaries can a garden give rise to and foster? This publication brings together the artists, curators and ecologists who have collaborated with the garden of Villa Romana for the Testing Grounds programme (2023-ongoing). It is an assemblage of artistic reflections and perspectives that grew through and together with the collective experiences of inhabiting a garden in a phase of transformation.
Across their contributions, the artists brought together here share their reflections and perspectives on what it means to garden, to attune and to co-cultivate, how to ground belonging and solidarity across geographies.
This publication was produced on the occasion of the Testing Grounds programme at Villa Romana, 2023-24.
Yuni Chung
Elena Agudio
Marleen Boschen
Leone Contini
Daniela Zambrano
Monai de Paula Antunes
Saverio Cantoni
Yuni Chung
Gabriella Hirst
Isabella Devetta
Yeni Ma
Graphic Designer
Eunji Lee
Testing Grounds Curators
Elena Agudio
Mistura Allison
Marleen Boschen