Carlotta Castellani


Carlotta Castellani is Associate Professor of Contemporary Art History at the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. She received her Ph.D. in Art History, Literature and Cultural Studies in a joint program of the Universities of Florence and Paris IV Sorbonne (2016). Her research focuses on German and Italian art, illustration, and photography; on Contemporary Art and historical Archives; on Modernism, science and technology; on Art and Politics and on Periodical studies. She is a founding member of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit), and an associate scholar of the „4ALaboratory: Art Histories, Archaeologies Anthropologies, Aesthetics” program (Berlin). Since 2017, she has been responsible for the Villa Romana historical archive.

On the history of Villa Romana she published the following books and articles: Der Salone Villa Romana. Ein internationaler Ausstellungsraum im Florenz der 80er Jahre kuratiert von Katalin Burmeister. Rekonstruktion eines Archivs (1979-2004), mit einer Einführung von Maria Grazia Messina und einem Text von Giovanna Uzzani, Gli Ori, Pistoia 2017; From “Eremitic” artist residency to “Heterotopia”: shifts in the cultural politics of Villa Romana (1905-2017), in “Seismopolite Journal of Art and Politics”, issue n. 19 (december 2017); Joachim Burmeister a Villa Romana: la mostra ‘Materiali del Linguaggio’ nel contesto fiorentino degli anni Settanta, in Una città in prospettiva. Arte a Firenze tra passato recente e futuro prossimo, atti del convegno a cura di A. Acocella e C. Toschi, con una introduzione di M.G. Messina, edizione Quodlibet, 2016, pp. 63-83.