On 21 June, Villa Romana celebrates the summer solstice with a series of exercises and resonances: performances, vocal interventions, garden workshops, installations, listening sessions, and live music by the artists of the house on via Senese 68, together with invited guests. On the longest day of the year, we pause, observe, and try to re-attune to cosmic orders that are bigger than we are: The ecological devastation and the general crisis that we are experiencing right now in the world urge us to look beyond “our garden”, beyond our anthropocentric arrogance, and to re-pair a relationship with higher cosmic orders and rhythms that we seem to have impoverished throughout the centuries.
The Villa Romana Fellows, the garden residents, as well as guests such as Antonina Nowacka and nikoLFO with Laura Fong Prosper will then tune us all into a full programme open to the public on 21 June starting from 3:30pm onwards in our garden.

The project is realised in collaboration with OOH-sounds e Nub Project Space.


*5:33am – midnight: The whole day will be broadcasted live on Archipel Radio Community Stations by our Fellow Monaí de Paula Antunes. The livestream will start at 5:33am, when the sun rises and the many more-than-human beings of our garden start their daily concert of voices. The broadcast follows with the participation of the inhabitants of the house and later of people willing to participate in the programme and join the communty radio and the ones of the garden and the house.

* when the wind flows: Looking into the Sun, Saverio Cantoni‘s flags INVISIBLE COMMITTEE and CLIMATE RESISTANCE imagine political communities of a post-human future in Villa Romana’s garden.

*when the garden community gathers, between 3:30pm and 4:45pm: Seed swap at the Semenzaio / Orto Continuo by Leone Contini

*when the sun glows, between 4:45pm and 5:30pm: sunlight performance Ray by Gabriella Hirst and Yuni Chung (please bring your sunglasses to watch it and protect your eyes!). Before the official programme begins, on 20 June, Gabriella and Yuni together with other inhabitants of the house, walk to San Miniato in a kind of domestic preparation to assist in the light phenomenon of the solstice materialising on the floor of the Basilica since a millenium, to carry some of these reflections to Villa Romana for their performance.

*when younger voices resonate, between 5:30pm and 6pm: inauguration of the Body Garden by Gabriella Hirst and an exhibition with drawings by Lila, Joia, Edoardo, Jacopo.

*when the moon waxes, between 6-9pm: Villa Romana Fellow Rubén D’Hers activates a sound installation from the jasmine Gazebo entering in dialogue with a selection of music and field recordings from his archive. Villa Romana Fellow Sergio Zevallos will follow and respond with his own collection of sounds.

*when the sun sets, at 9pm: vocal performance by Antonina Nowacka, from her new album Sylphine Soporifera

*when the dark reigns, between 9:45-10pm: screening of Fermenting Chōri ~A Garden in Italy, a short film by Yuni (Hoa Yun) Chung

*when the stars shine, between 10-11pm: live quadraphonic performance by nikoLFO with live visuals by Laura Fong Prosper

*when celestial spheres and bodies synchronise, at 11pm: dj set

*when the attunement and the transitions become a continuum with the oneiric, at 12am: end of the event

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The Villa Romana e.V. maintains the Villa Romana and the Villa Romana Prize.

The main sponsor is the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Other sponsors are the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the BAO Foundation as well as - project related - numerous private individuals, companies and foundations from all over the world.
This project is also supported by:

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