A House For Mending, Troubling, and Repairing 2023 - a series

With A House for Mending, Troubling, and Repairing, Villa Romana proposes a public programme of workshops, laboratories, presentations and artistic interventions characterised by doing together, ecological thinking, and anti-racist and anti-discriminatory acting, to elaborate practices of radical conviviality, inclusion, sharing and restitution. The times of crisis we live in force us to rethink the way in which we co-inhabit the planet, and to reconsider some of the founding values of Western culture a culture that has discovered itself to be ecocidal, and epistemicidal towards systems of knowledge other than the grand Eurocentric narrative. In order to imagine an ecologically and socially sustainable future, Villa Romana opens itself up to the city as a laboratory for critical reflection and confrontation, as a space for socio-artistic-cultural experimentation and, at the same time, as a workshop and home for developing tools and practices that enable us to tackle the difficult work of repair to which we are called.


Rosalyn D’Mello

Vinagr: Fermenting the Multitude

Lecture performance and workshop


Jessica Ekomane, Afrorack, Lamin Fofana, SADI

Midsummer Night

Sound performances

In collaboration with OOH-Sounds and NUB Project Space


Janette Bisschops

Hunting for Ghosts

Lecture performance


Aline Benecke

Can We Not Be So Self-Centered and Keep Our Experiences to Ourselves? Diasporic Rememberances of Fasia Jansen.

Film screening


Giulia Palladini

For an indomitable domestics



Barbara Casavecchia and Övül Ö Durmusoglu

Echoes from the Outside


The project is realised with the contribution of the Fondazione CR Firenze.

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The Villa Romana e.V. maintains the Villa Romana and the Villa Romana Prize.

The main sponsor is the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Other sponsors are the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the BAO Foundation as well as - project related - numerous private individuals, companies and foundations from all over the world.
This project is also supported by: